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three agricultural industry guidelines approved by grc-凯发天生赢家



entrusted by department of crop production of moa, icama organized the guidelines review committee (grc) to review the three agricultural industry guidelines in beijing on dec. 19, 2014. includingguidelines on pesticide physico-chemical propertiestest, guidelines on method validation of analytical method for agrochemicalsandtest guidelines on the batch analysis of technicalforpesticide registration.

it is believed that the above three guidelines drafted by icama will improve theregulationonpesticide registrationand qualitycontrol, ensurecompliance with international norms and fill the gapsin relevant sectors of china.

theguidelines on pesticide physico-chemical propertiestestprovidesa revisionof22 existingtestguidelines, andadds16newtest methods formeasuringpesticide physico-chemical propertieslikesolubility in water, relative self-ignition temperature for solids, inflammation of gases, and so on. itwill play a significant role inimprovingchina??sstandard series on physico-chemical propertiestest.

theguidelines on method validation of analytical methods for agrochemicalsdefinesfundamental principles and requirements on establishingappropriatemethods fordeterminingthe contents of active ingredient(s), stabilizers, safeners and impurities in tc/tks,and those ofactive ingredient(s), stabilizers, safeners,synergistsand impurities in formulated productsas well. theguidelinesalsospecify therelevant test itemand evaluationindexes.

theguidelines on the batch analysis of technicalforpesticide registrationestablishesfundamental principles and requirementsconcerninganalytical standard, samples, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and test report preparation.theguidelinesprovidesa scientific basis for tc/tksevaluation, andfacilitatesthestandard operationofthe batch analysis.

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