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pesticide imports and exports in china increase in both quantity and value in the first half of this-凯发天生赢家



beijing, china ?c from july 26th to 27th, 2010, leaders and experts from the ministry of agriculture, general administration of customs, and pesticide import and export enterprises over the country discussed the pesticide import and export developments in the first half of 2010. mr. gu baogen, deputy director-general of institute for the control of agrochemicals, ministry of agriculture of china (icama), reported on development trends in the world pesticide market and international trade development, and analyzed features of china??s pesticide imports and exports in the first-half.

    mr.gu said, according to the customs import and export statistics, both the quantity and value of china??s pesticide imports and exports increased by double digits from january to june. to be specific, the quantity and value increased by 13.4% and 10.9% respectively than that of the previous year. such increases were achieved against the total trade value decrease (by 32.6%) in 2009 and negative impacts of global financial crisis.

    according to mr.gu, in the first-half, quantity and value of exported pesticides of china increased by 13.5% and 9.6% respectively than that of the previous year, which reversed the awkward trend of export value decline despite quantity increase in 2009?? reflecting that china??s pesticide exports have recovered from financial crisis, marched into the track of sound growth, and correspondingly, entering into a new stage where development is promoted via restructuring.

    on the basis of recovering growth in imports and exports, china??s pesticide imports and exports in the first-half are of the following six features: (1) better product mix with greater percentage of pesticide preparations in export. pesticide preparations accounts for 47.4% of the total exported pesticides in the first six months, which share was significantly higher than that of previous years. (2) higher growth rate of pesticide preparations than that of pesticide technical in terms of export value. from january to june, the value of exported pesticide preparations increased by 12.5%, which is higher than 8.1% (increase in the value of exported pesticide technical) and 9.6% (of total pesticide export value). (3) more rational market structure with prominent growth in high-end market. europe is the largest and high-end pesticide market in the world. in the first-half, china??s pesticides exported to europe increased by 22.0% and 11.3% respectively in terms of quantity and value. (4) fast growth of pesticide exports to emerging markets. south america is a region with the fastest increase in demands for imported pesticides. quantity and value of pesticides exported to south america in the first six months increased by 25.3% and 25.7% respectively, which are significantly higher than those in asia. in emerging markets such as africa and oceania, increases in exported value exceed 10% and 35% respectively. (5) balanced import and export with rapid growth in pesticide imports. quantity and value of imported pesticides in china in the first six months increase by 4.7% and 21.8% than that of the previous year respectively. (6) higher growth rate of pesticide technical imports than that of pesticide preparations. from january to june, the value of imported pesticide technical increased by 26.8%, while imported pesticide preparations increased by 20.4%.

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